Sunday, December 19, 2010


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
~Martin Luther King

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Making Space 2010

Last night was amazing!! I am so happy to be a part of CLP. Everything from the story sharing to the silly songs was real. The main thing that I loved about last night's experience is that everyone was "high" on positive energy. And that positive energy is VERY contagious. I came home inspired and believing that I really can make a difference. I know it might sound a little corny but it's true. I absolutely loved the story about the fled and expedition, it really painted a visual picture of how we are in this together. Even though we think that whatever is happening elsewhere has nothing to do with us, and that we cannot do anything about it that's a lie! We can do something about it and that's what CLP is all about. At CLP everyone, from the youngest to oldest is encouraged to make choices, to make a difference and that one person is not less than another. This is a unique organization that deals with issues as they come and most importantly it promotes equality. How often in our society are kids asked about what they want, or what they think about an issue? From my experience I would say very rarely. I think that's what sets CLP apart from other organization, at CLP every voice counts.

In my Soc class I learned that we have enough food to feed the world but yet so many people in the world starve to death. This is because a lot of us ignore the issue because it's not affecting us. I found this to be so interesting because I thought well if we have the resource to feed the world then it's easy. But I am so wrong it's anything but easy because a small amount of people in our community decide how our resources should be used and those people tend to be high class individuals that usually do not know what it means to be hungry, or what it means to be poor. I think this is similar to the story about the fled and the expedition, so many of us wait until it happens to us before we fight for justice.